Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology ethics in the academic and public spheres

What is the difference between popular and academic outlet discussion of bioethics.

The Collaborative Structure of Synthetic Biology Ethics

Although synthetic biology is now an established field, ethical reflection surrounding it has only recently become a subject of sustained scientific inquiry. This poster displays the results from a series of network analyses examining how synthetic …

Discovering Content through Text Mining for a Synthetic Biology Knowledge System

This paper describes our work using named entity recognition (NER), a sub-field of text mining, to mine existing literature. The goal of NER is to locate and classify named entities present in text into pre-defined categories. For synthetic biology, …

SBOLCanvas: A Visual Editor for Genetic Designs

Synthetic biologists often use diagrams to visualize the structure and functionality of genetic designs due to their complicated nature. The Synthetic Biology Open Language Visual (SBOLv) is a standard for these diagrams. This standard provides a set …

The Social and Conceptual Organization of Synthetic Biology Ethics

The Synthetic Biology Knowledge System (SBKS) is a repository system designed to aid synthetic biologists by interlinking the synthetic biology literature through the application of ontologies. While many of these linking tasks are concerned with …

The Synthetic Biology Knowledge System

Synthetic biology has transformative potential in a variety of application areas including agriculture, energy, materials, and health. While much of the research in this field has been in E. Coli, many applications require yeast and other bacteria. …

The Effect of Preprocessing on Bayesian Stochastic Blockmodels for Topic Identification

The Social and Conceptual Structure of Synthetic Biology and its Ethical Discourse

Sociology and the ethics of synthetic biology automation

An overview of different approaches to social scientific engagement with ethics.